Our FrameWork
Check out our framework of our ecosystem performances. Data is the most basic element of the ecosystem. Data supports a variety of formatting. When an end user creates a pool to store data, the data is encrypted, partitioned, and decentralized to network peers. At this time, metadata is created for backing up and downloading data. When you re-download distributed data from a peer, you track the node through metadata and assemble the data to the client’s local machine to download it. To increase the durability of distributed data, it is segmented across different nodes to retain data. We also pay through tokens to pay for data storage usage. We also offer wallets and offline payment systems. For more information, visit our website at https://psjglobal.io.
💡About Us💡
▪️ Telegram : https://t.me/PSJGLOBALCYCON
▪️ Medium : https://medium.com/@psjglobalcycon
▪️ PSJ GLOBAL HP : https://psjglobal.io/
▪️ Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/cycon_and_psjglobal/
▪️ Naver Blog : https://blog.naver.com/cyconandpsjglobal
▪️ Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/cyconandpsjglobal
▪️ Twitter : https://twitter.com/PSJGLOBALCYCON